Monday, July 26, 2010


The kids and I had a fairly uneventful weekend. Bryce was working, but we went for a walk out at the glacier, saw some salmon spawning in the stream and unsuccessfully looked for bears. I hardly ever go out there in the summer, since it tends to be overrun with cruise ship tourists, but really it is an amazing place.

On Sunday I picked a load of blueberries (with Porter adding moral support if nothing else), and we made blueberry syrup. This is a good website with simple instructions, although I didn't need nearly that much sugar. It turned out so incredibly delicious. The kids were really excited about the idea of it all, so this morning I made pancakes and delivered the goods. They both eyed the (not brown) syrup suspiciously, took a few bites, and asked for the normal kind. Sigh. I will eat it even if no one else will.

I also clearly made sure that the kids were well taken care of and not running around like a bunch of hooligans.

I know I need to trim the mullet, but I just can't quite bring myself to do it. Soon.

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