Thursday, October 27, 2011

Four Down

It has been another week since my last post. That cold we were passing around has really taken me out. It isn't that the illness itself was that bad, just a nasty cold. But all three of the kids and I got it at the exact same time, more or less. Cedar decided that sleeping while sick was entirely overrated. And if I did manage to get her to sleep for a few hours, one of the other kids was sure to be up with a stuffy nose or a dire need for a glass of water or a peed in bed or some other issue that probably involved bodily functions. And then Cedar cut two teeth. And had to go in for her six month vaccines. So the sleeplessness continues unabated. Last night Bryce even tried to get her to sleep, and at midnight declared it "impossible." And then of course whichever child actually slept well the previous night was up at 6am chipper as hell. Gah. This has been a busy week, but I have spent most of my free time nodding off on the sofa while nursing the baby. After three kids, I know by now that the old adage is true, that this too shall pass. Powers that be, please, please, please let it pass tonight.

Also, in much better news: My dear, beautiful friend Karen had a baby boy yesterday afternoon. Welcome to the world Carter Samuel! As soon as I am not a hotbed of contagion, I absolutely can not wait to snuggle your newborn cuteness. Congratulations all around.

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