Monday, March 15, 2010


I am trying to make all my meal ideas clickable. If the recipe was found on the internet, the link will take you to the website (I love and If it's a recipe of mine, the link should take you to a Google document. I haven't done the old ones yet, but I'm working on it. Cheers!

Porter's ski lesson passed without event this Saturday. I kept my eye on all the instructors, but honestly, they all seemed really nice. Young, but nice.

We continue our quest to figure out rhyming. We were driving in the car, when Porter proudly pointed out that "store" and "story" have the same sound and therefore rhyme. We'll get there some day.

I also noticed this weekend that I am going through a lot less cleaning supplies than I used to. It seems like I never have to buy them anymore. This is clearly not due to my efficiency or green cleaning habits, and my bathrooms are gross. So I'm off...

I'm Cooking: Last night I made this chicken with spinach and tomatoes and baked brown rice. Read the reviews on the chicken, I seasoned it more with salt, pepper and thyme, used more balsamic vinegar and didn't make the cous cous. But it was a quick, healthy meal. I just love spinach.


  1. A does the same sort of thing as "store" and "story." He reminded me that we can say "hate" when we're saying "Haiti."

    Nice to see that DGB is on your blogroll. :) I keep mine on Google, but you're on mine.

  2. Last night when I was reading to Lily I thought about you guys and your struggle with rhyming. I am sure you know Dr Suess books have a lot of rhyming, but Lily has a really good one called "There's a Wocket in my Pocket." If you haven't seen it, you should check it out. I think it would be a great book to help teach rhyming. Lily likes me help me read it my finishing the "sentence" with the rhyming word.

  3. We do have that book, but we haven't gotten it out in a long time. Nice idea Andrea! Thanks!

  4. I just thought of another good Dr Seuss book with easy rhyming words. Hop on Pop. I assume they still make it, Lily's copy was my book from when I was little.
