Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Really bad preschool drop off this morning. Porter hid under my rain jacket instead of saying hello.

On the other hand, he did GREAT at his very first trip to the dentist yesterday. With all that new-ness, I was expecting the worst. But he loved it, answered questions, and was very polite. Hmmm.

Porter used the word "stylish" today. Despite the sweatpants and ratty sweatshirt, there may be hope for him yet.

I thought that once Molly was sleeping through that night, I would have a lot more patience with the kids. I am shockingly well rested these days, but still get easily frustrated by small children.

I have discovered that brown rice baked in the oven with chicken stock is absolutely delicious. Can't believe I didn't know this before. Everyone in my house loves it.

It turns out that Julia Child and my very Southern grandmother have at least one thing in common, a whole lot of butter. Yum.

I'm Cooking: Maple Syrup Glazed Pork Chops, Brown Rice & Steamed Broccoli

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