Thursday, June 16, 2011


Last night I made a new dish, Lemon Penne with Arugula. Wow, it was great! A nice, filling meatless dish. It's very lemony and you have to be a fan of arugula, but Bryce and I loved it. I can't say as much for the kids, but they picked the pasta out from between the vegetables anyway. I took a few short cuts to make for less dirty dishes, but followed the recipe closely. Yum. It felt good to try something new.

Later that evening, I was sitting on the couch. Nursing the baby and trying to clip Porter's toenails at the same time. And then Molly climbed on my shoulders, and I thought, yes, this is my life. New recipes notwithstanding.


  1. Oh my gosh, what a cutie Cedar is. I wish I was there to hold her and kiss her.

  2. Cedar looks different in every picture. I can't wait to see her again!
