Last summer, I began to work on reading with Porter. He was so close, but all our sessions ended in frustration, and I eventually decided he just wasn't ready. We put his beginning reading books aside, and honestly, I've been lazy and haven't taken the time to pick them back up. He has been working hard in school, but everything I saw him "read" was mostly memorization and interpreting from pictures. Which is fine, the first step, but not quite reading. I kept telling myself that he was right on the edge.
And then on Thursday he came home from school, pulled out one of his books, and read this out loud:
It was a book we hadn't worked with before. He sounded out each word. Bryce and I weren't even paying a lot of attention, until holy crap he can read. He read the whole book. He was so proud! We were so excited! And then he read another book. And another. Woo-hoo. It was one of those really amazing parenting moments. A huge world just opened up for Porter in the blink of an eye, and it was so neat to see.
Meanwhile, not being involved in the fun, Molly had been playing with my phone over in the corner. Apparently quietly watching YouTube videos, unknown to us all, she announced that the girls were dancing with the penis! Holy crap you definitely don't have to read to get into a whole new world of trouble.
There will be no more YouTube on my phone.
Also! Check out this couch Bryce made for the corner of our living room. It is seriously awesome.